Post Title First + Blog Title Later = Traffic

The default settings of most publishing platforms define that in search results, our blog title will appear first then followed by our post title. It is not too effective because people tend look for specific contents, which is located inside one of our posts and not represented by our blog title. The last part of our title might be omitted if search engines consider that our title is too long. It is a big problem if the blog title appears in the beginning, and the post title that represents the specific contents appear last (and omitted partially). Therefore, it will be better if the title introduces the contents directly (first), and show the blog title later (and omit-able).

For example, if you have a blog named “Computer Hardware Reviews” and you wrote a post titled “Top 10 Best Processor of 2008”. Then someone uses search engine and types “best processors 2008” in the search query, normally, your site will appear in the search results as:
Computer Hardware Reviews: Top 10 Best Processors of 2008
The description of the blog
Seems OK? Nope, it is a disaster if the search engine consider the title too long and omit some part of it like:
Computer Hardware Reviews: Top 10 Best...
The description of the blog
"Top 10 best what??" is what your potential visitors will say before clicking another title, which contains more clarity.

That is why it is better to put posts title first and blog / website title later. Therefore it will appear as:
Top 10 Best Processors of 2008 ~ Computer Hardware Reviews
The description of the blog
And if search engines think that the title is too long and then omit some part of it, don't worry. The title will still be representative enough as:
Top 10 Best Processors of 2008 ~ Computer...
The description of the blog
This second type of title appearance pattern certainly performs better in introducing its contents in search results. Contents are first, and blog title later, so that potential visitors can get clear information about the contents fast and effectively.

This method is very effective to enhance the traffic from search engines. However, it may be not too efficient for carnivals traffic. Therefore, it depends on your source of traffic, whether to use this method or not.